
Mental, Vital & Physical Fear

What is there difference between Mental, Vital & Physical Fear ? If you are conscious of the movement of your mind, the movement of your Vital &the movement of Physical. you know it. The Mental is very simple: it is thoughts. You begin thinking, for example, there si this illness, and this illness is very contagious, perhaps you are going to catch it, and if you catch it, it going to be terrible affair and what is to be done so as not to catch it?....SO the mind begins to tremble: What is going to happen tomorrow? etc. The Vita you feel it. You feel it in your sensation. All at once you feel hot, you feel cold, you perspire or all kinds of unpleasant things happen. And then you feel your heart beating fast and suddenly you have fever and then the circulation stops and you become cold. Physically, well... when you do not any longer have the other two fears, you can become aware of the physical fear. Generally the other two are much more conscious. They hide the physi...

Why one feels Afraid???

I suppose it is because one is egoistic. There are three reasons. First an excessive concern about one's security. Next, what one doesn't know always gives an uneasy feeling which translated in the consciousness by Fear.And above all one doesn't have the habit of a spontaneous trust in the divine.If you look in to the things sufficiently and deeply, this is true reason. There are people who do not even know that That exists, but one could tell them in other words,"you have no faith in your destiny" or "you know nothing about Grace"- anything whatever, you may put it as you like, but the root of the matter is the lack of trust.if one always had the feeling that it is the best that happens in all circumstances, one would not be afraid. Peace in the Storm , Calm in the Effort,Joy in the Surrender, a Luminous Faith, and you will become aware of the Lords constant presence

Fear - A Phenomenen of Unconsciousness

Fear is a phenomenon of unconsciousness. It is a kind of anguish that comes from ignorance.One doesn't know the nature of a certain thing, doesn't know its effect or what will happen, one does not know the consequences of one's acts, one does not know so may things; and this ignorance brings FEAR. One Fears what one does not know. Take a child, if it is brought before someone it does not know (I'm speaking about the ordinary child not a child which awakened inner consciousness) - you bring it before someone it does not know, its first moment will always be one of Fear. Only very rare children are very Bold.It may also be mixture of apprehension, a kind of instinct. When one instinctively feels that something is dangerous and hasn't the means to remedy it, when one does not know what to do to protect himself from it, then he is afraid. There are, I believe, Countless reason for Fear. But it is movement of unconsciousness, in every case. That which knows has no Fear....

Fear - A Creation of Vital Plane

There is no fear in the higher nature. fear is creation of the vita plane, an instinct of the ignorance, a sense of danger with a violent vital reaction that replaces and usually prevents or distorts the intelligence of things. It might almost be considered as an invention of the hostile forces. Yes, Fear creates Imaginary terrors - even if there is real danger, fear doesn't help; it clouds the intelligence, takes away presence of mind and prevents one seeing the right thing to do. Fear is the prettiest give these beings have give to the world. It is their first present, and the most powerful. It is through fear that they hold human beings. First of all, they create a movement of fear; the movement of fear weakens you, then hands you over little by little in to their power. And it is not even a reasonable fear; it is a kind of fear which seizes you, you don't know why, something that makes you tremble, gives you anxiety. You don't know why, it has no apparent reason. It is ...


Fear and anxiety are perverse forms of will. What though fearest and Ponderest over, striking that note repeatedly in thy mind, though helpest to bring about; for, if thy will above the surface of waking repels it, it is yet what thy mind underneath is all along willing , and the subconscious mind is mightier, wider,better equiped to fulfill than thy waking force and Intellect. but the spirit is stronger than both together' from fear and hope take refuge in the grandiose calm and careless mastery of the spirit. Think this when thy member would fain make love with depression and weakness, "I'm Bacchus and Ares and Apollo; I'm Agni pure and invisible; I'm Surya ever burn mightily."