Fear - A Creation of Vital Plane

There is no fear in the higher nature. fear is creation of the vita plane, an instinct of the ignorance, a sense of danger with a violent vital reaction that replaces and usually prevents or distorts the intelligence of things. It might almost be considered as an invention of the hostile forces.

Yes, Fear creates Imaginary terrors - even if there is real danger, fear doesn't help; it clouds the intelligence, takes away presence of mind and prevents one seeing the right thing to do.

Fear is the prettiest give these beings have give to the world. It is their first present, and the most powerful. It is through fear that they hold human beings. First of all, they create a movement of fear; the movement of fear weakens you, then hands you over little by little in to their power. And it is not even a reasonable fear; it is a kind of fear which seizes you, you don't know why, something that makes you tremble, gives you anxiety. You don't know why, it has no apparent reason. It is their action.


Hemant said…
Please mention the reference of Sri Aurobindo's book

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